Tuesday, July 31, 2012


What Is Real?
Is there a true meaning to the word and who determines what is real.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Defines Real as

1 of or relating to fixed, permanent, or immovable things (as lands or tenements)
a : not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory : genuine <real gold>; also : being precisely what the name implies <a real professional> b (1) : occurring or existing in actuality <saw a real live celebrity> <a story of real life> (2) : of or relating to practical or everyday concerns or activities <left school to live in the real world> (3) : existing as a physical entity and having properties that deviate from an ideal, law, or standard <a real gas> — compare ideal 3b c : having objective independent existence <unable to believe that what he saw was real> d : fundamental, essential e (1) : belonging to or having elements or components that belong to the set of real numbers <the real roots of an equation> <a real matrix> (2) : concerned with or containing real numbers <real analysis> (3) : real-valued <real variable> f : measured by purchasing power <real income> <real dollars> g : complete, utter <a real fiasco>
of a particle : capable of being detected — compare virtual 3
re·al·ness noun
for real

: in earnest : seriously <fighting for real>
: genuine <couldn't believe the threats were for real>
: genuinely good or capable of success (as in competition) <not yet sure if this team is for real>

However let's just get down to the knitty gritty what is actually real; we know from our upbringing that when we sleep the body is resting and cleansing itself from daily toxins and pollutants in the air. we are also told that when we dream that the experience is a fictional travel of our mind and that there might be some level of realism from an imaginative point of view; but it's really fake because our physical body isn't there and are physical eye cannot see it, and what we touch isn't a genuine or authentic touch; this is from an organize monotheistic view. however from an ancient civilization view when we sleep the physical body when rested & relax releases a spirit or energy that may consist of many counterparts or components connected to the individual. once it has exit the body it enters into different spiritual realms and that once we are aware of what we doing and where we are it can be done by will known as a ba, ka, and etc. so what is the true meaning of existence? we touch, and react to the touch, we hear and react to what we hear, and we see with a selective vision (perspective). So Let me ask a question what happens when the spirit exits the body permanently, do we continue to live else where in another lifeform do we sleep and continue to dream, do we comeback and relive are lives as another person to correct are flaws or continue to provide positive energy.(spirit) is heaven and hell real? does everything exist in those 2 places as written in old and modern times. did everyone who wrote and saw the vision of the two places die since they claim you have to be in that state in order to go there or see it. is the creator just a spirit or does the creator have a physical since we're made in the image and likeness of him. are there many creators since the statement was made let us make man. who and what is truly us. where did the creator come from? was the creator created or did the creator create himself and if so why?

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